mega888 new version YANOM - SUPPORTED LIVING UK
9 Leacroft Close Yiewsley, Middlsex UB7 8AQ

About Us

About Us

We're Yanom Living

Our values are reflected in how we provide support. Each person we support is made to feel special, safe and comfortable in a relaxed environment. Yanom Semi Independent Living is fully committed and dedicates a positive drive in ensuring that the every young adult’s vision is evidenced within our service design and delivery. We provide support for these categories of individuals: Asylum Seekers 16+, Refugee Minors Aged 16+, Young Expectant Mothers 16+, Mother And Babies 16+, Young People Leaving Care 16+ and Young people with emotional, challenging and complex needs.

Our Mission

Shaping lives and maximising potentials by providing tailored inclusive recovery solution for everyone who face a challenge.

Yanom Living

Aims and Objectives

To offer robust support to enable and enhance the smooth transition of young people from residential and fostering services to a more relaxed independent life-style, and as a result, we have developed mechanisms and strategies aimed at the following:

Provide supported living for Looked-After people who need support.

Provide people with safe and secure accommodation, and the necessary support required for maintenance.

Provide stability, structure and regular one to one key-working sessions.

Provide diverse individually tailored packages of support and care to people, with each package focusing on meeting identified needs within agreed targets and timescales.

Provide consistent and holistic approach to working with people who may display disruptive, difficult, challenging and inappropriate behaviour.

Promote, develop and create opportunities for people to grow and learn appropriate life / social skills in preparation for the transition to adulthood and independent living.

Liaise closely with referral agencies to provide a professional multi-disciplinary system of care, support and management.

Provide a high standard of care within the framework of Yanom Limited Equal Opportunity Policy.

Create an environment that is non-institutional and able to work with the diverse complexities of needs which young people may present.
